Monday, November 20, 2017

The game of Life!

After the death musings, life is back :) It is the most addictive game you ever get to play. Sometimes it demands a complete surrender and it is really painful to let everything go and click the surrender button. Especially when you feel like you are almost there. But its like playing "Monopoly". You have to hit jail time to time. And unless you have the chance card ready you need to serve your sentence. This time I did not have any chance card. So be it. I will be back in the game soon enough, again striving to be rich, plotting to win :)... I am just life, I can't be more or less...

Thursday, November 02, 2017


I do not wish to live. No, this is not a song of despair. Or may be it is. But sometimes you reach certain forks in life where death seems much more acceptable, much more simpler and all the more welcome. After so many years of life, it looks back at you and tell you "Hey you, you are wrong in every way. Not fit to live here. Go back and start again". It feels funny. Like real dark comedy. But what am I going to do about it? I still do not know. May be when the the chaos settles, I will realize it was meant to be. Yet another training regime of life probably! But I am not happy... Not happy at all... And they tell me happiness is not the indicator of a good life... It is supposed to be suffering...And it frightens me to the core :(