Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sexuality and a Verdict!

I thought I belong to one of the "ignorants" when it comes to the topic of sexuality. But after the high court verdict I felt a little better ;)... No offense to court here. But the verdict did trigger a lot of thought process. The explanation to the verdict was the usual one when it comes to sex in India. "Indian Culture". I do respect our culture. Not due to my moral consciousness (my what?!!!), but just out of common sense. The family structure that our fore fathers structured and passed on to us is a perfect setting for a society to flourish. Just like the healthy food habits and routines they tried to pass on to us. They did have a good understanding of healthy sexuality. No one can argue the fact that having a steady partner saves a lot of trouble. No worries on "who is next", or on the disease part and of course there is the discipline with in, that energize your life as a whole. There is the part of safe and happy kids too. On the whole picture everyone is happy. But there is one major flaw. The rigidity we attached to it. Like the "Meluhans" in Immortals, we were or still are too rigid on the topic. So naturally the next question will be "Where is the Creativity"? The individuality that marks every human being? - The absolute answer is "Missing" :) We are exactly in a stage as explained in the verdict. A guy and girl shut up in a room and do the "so so" things, voila married and doomed to spend a lifetime together :). Bottom line is no experiments allowed when it comes to this topic ...

 But court can't be blamed. Its our current situation that made court reach the verdict. Not much security for women. Even now single mom's struggle unless they belong to the "super rich" category. And mostly girls grow up without knowing the reality of life, and easily fall prey to any sweetly worded traps laid for them. But then this is our dear India. So this verdict, rather than helping the suffering females will end up as traps to honest gentlemen or ignorant girls out there. Its a sad plight.

Coming back to the real topic, when will we earn the courage to explore sexuality, or even accept it as it is - a basic need of the body at its worst, and a bliss of love at its best. I am not a veteran in the topic. I grew up in a conservative family and still belongs to a conservative family. But I do respect sex, consider it equivalent to any other art form, the only difference being - here the expression and sharing of individuality is limited with in the two people who share it.  And I cant accept the sad plight of our society as an agreeable  logic to equate sexuality and marriage. It only shows me one thing. Our in securities and inability to live independent (its always not acceptable if somebody wants to live alone and explore different things than what the masses do, especially if it is a woman), has driven us insane.

I wish for a society where a woman can raise her kids proudly without much in securities and without the help of a partner if that is the situation. It would be nice if the dads stay around. But if not, let them go. Why go behind them just because they left behind a tiny sperm with in us? If God knows the creation part he knows the sustenance part too. If he thought men are an essential element in raising a kid, he would have devised a better mechanism for them to stay back than the fatal attraction for the opposite gender. No offense to all the wonderful dads out there. Mostly dads are the ones who travel that extra mile to keep the kids happy and safe. But the point here is fatherhood is something not to be forced, but to be accepted gracefully.

Who cares for my wishes anyways... Girls, don't miss the opportunity. It's the perfect chance for the "perfect" partner, provided you can seduce him for one day ;) Don't miss it!!!

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Why do I hate Chetan Baghat books?

I like his narration. Its never boring. I can easily read through it. He avoids all complex usages and keep it simple and pleasant. And I do like how he creates certain scenes. I feel almost touched. But then when I finish the book and get up, I always have this feeling "Oh... This is trash"... Except may be for Five Point Someone, I have felt the same for all the rest. The call centre one, Three mistakes, two states, and now to add to the list is Revolution 2020. Just now finished the book. And started wondering why do I feel the book is below average? It never bored me, and I was hooked to the plot and there was this gallantry ending. So I should be able to at least put it in average list. Some how I don't, and here I am perplexed as to why I don't :)
One explanation could be that its a person's sensitivity. Like how a sensitive cook can identify saccharine from sugar, I have a sensitivity to identify the difference between books, even though both tastes sweet. Wow that's an explanation I would love to adhere to ;)
Or there is a not so great explanation - That I am hooked to certain kind of books. The kind of books that I read in my teens. The beautiful classics, which inspired me and instilled in me the firm belief in good. Books like Mother (Gorky), Citadel (A J Cronin), Good Earth (Pearl S Buck), Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky), The old man and the sea (Earnest Hemmingway), those fabulous Russian short stories and the list goes on. When you put down these books after completing them, you feel humble. Or I felt humble. And the narrations and plots were so natural that in the end you will not feel like "Oh, yet another story with a bold "Moral of the story is...blah blah blah" sort of narration". Yes that's it. CBs stories comes with heavy morals, and forced scenes to assert the morals. Subtlety is missing. Or to an old classic fan like me, it is missing :)
The worst possible explanation is I have simply grown old and has got the "Old Syndrome" which glorifies things of past and looks gloomily at the present. But I REFUSE to accept that ;) As proof for rejecting this last and worst possible explanation, I will add a book that I enjoyed immensely and which belongs to the present... "The Hunger Games"... It came as a gift and I simply loved it. Thanks dear Kathu, you gave me a good read and helped me prove I am still young ;)

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Losing control and the questions it raise!

After a long time, I got angry today. Anger as in real capital ANGER where my heart beat increased and i started shouting. Thanks to the level headed lady present, who changed the topic on time. I am surprised though, coz the topic that caused all this hungama was corruption in India. Off late I have noticed some silly topics that can affect me badly and had stayed away from them.  But this one was not in the list. Added this one too to the list of topics i should stay away from. But honestly I don't know if it was the topic, or the fact that it came from a person I valued most, that triggered the anger cells. That yet again brings the question. When the hell will I grow up? :(

And I guess I never appreciated achan (my dad) for never ever accepting bribe. I thought it was routine. And effortless. Now I know the effort he must have had to put, to stay away from bribes, especially when he had to pay high fees for my brother and me. Dad, you did not make big money for us to inherit, but you did leave us a legacy, your honesty. Thank you ... I hope I can pass it on  to my son.

Ok... When it comes to honesty there is one more question to be answered. Is it the greatest virtue achievable? I don't think so. It's a way of life you can choose. Krishna from Mahabharatha was not a honest man. He lied according to circumstances. And he was God. I mean he IS God :) So can honesty be considered the greatest virtue if God himself can lie? :) The point is its not about vice or virtue, its just a choice...