Thursday, November 11, 2021

A gratitude post!

I have been loved. I would say I have been loved more than the fair share that should ideally be allocated to me. I have been loved immensely by my father, deeply by my brother , joyfully by my close friends, unconditionally by my husband, with admiration by my lovely son and devotedly by some who are more than just friends! (I am never sure if my mother loves me. It's always complicated. ) 
But of all these people who loves me, I can tell with conviction and clarity that I returned or still returns only one persons love. Return is a wrong word in this context. I love only my son. Period. I do care about the rest. I am grateful to them for all the love they shower up on me. I do love them in a sort of selfish way. But only person to whom I can be devoted to is my son. May be I will change this statement when he becomes an adult. And adopt a kid and love her. Because loving an adult is almost impossible for me. 

Recently someone started commenting on my posts, with so much love and kindness. And that made me wonder again about all the people who came to my life. The love they have shown. The love I have received. It is strange. May be because I don't like me much. But all of them were sincere to the core. It was not a show of love, it was divine connections. Some still remain, some has moved on. But today I want to say a big Thank You. To life. For all the love. From all these people surrounding me and all those who has moved on. I feel blessed. 

Thank You Life!

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