Thursday, September 16, 2021

Being High!

Your thoughts fly high
Your laughter scales height
Your inhibitions hide in a pessimistic corner
Which is blocked by the bliss of high

You laugh your laughter
You cry your sadness
You see people and want to embrace them 
For the mess of life they are entangled in

You know you have crossed the limits
You know you have shed your modesty
Yet u are happy in a vindictive manner
Where even your loses count as victories

You are love and hatred at the same time
You are laughter and sadness together
You are together and alone and still alive
You laugh at your own madness at the end

Yes, this my friend is high
And I love this lazy feeling
Because pain drowns in it and
Happiness dances at every waking moment of high

I know I will wake up tomorrow
And sheepishly remember the remnants, 
Of conversations made and laughters shared
And wonder whether it was worth it

But I know for surety
Even in this blissful hours of madness
That I will never ever regret
These wakeful moments of simple happiness!

Because life is a sarcastic bitch
Who serves her colourful palette
Sometimes with the poison of ecstasy 
Which can never be missed for the peace of sanity!


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