Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Bucket List! - (Day One)

I never had one for a long time. Then I prepared one when I got the opportunity to work in Germany for some months. Some of the items in the list were 1) To bring Nived to Germany for a visit 2)Visit lego land with Nived 3)Watch snow with Nived. But then I guess it did not qualify as an actual bucket list because it was not about me, but mostly about my son. After coming back I wanted to make a personal bucket list which involves only ME in bold and capitals ;)
Here is what I came up with

- Own a 1bhk in a high rise apartment and fill it with books.
- Learn at least one form of dance form (even bollywood dance will do)
- Visit Paris & Amsterdam & Sweden once again. The exact same places where the magic happened
- Travel alone (A trip of minimum a week)
- A Jungle trek
- Learn Swimming
- Master Hata yoga
- Write a book(short stories)
- Write autobiography
- Spend a night at seashore
- Write 1000 poems
- Visit Cuba
- Visit St.Petersburg
- Visit Amazon jungles
- Complete a full marathon
- Win Snn Badminton tournament
- Visit Bodh Gaya
- Visit Nepal
- Ride a horse with a six packed cow boy

So many things in 5 mins!!...Let me begin the ground work now ;)


  1. Why don't you make last one as
    Ride a horse with a boy as fat as a cow

    May work out.

  2. Super! All the very best for your bucket list!

    Whether you complete all the things in this list or not, you should never stop writing :)

    And....Good that the six pack wish is in the end ;)
