Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A person...

A person I Love - .....
A person I Hate - .....
A person I Adore - .....
A person I Despise - .....
A person I wish to run away with - .....
A person I wish to run away from - .....
A person I want to kill - .....
A person I want to die for - .....

Surprisingly all the blanks can be filled with the same name :D


  1. The question then is can that person read :D:P

  2. Techical answer is yes... But I am yet to see him read more than four lines, unless it is some stupid technical stuff :D
    And the direct answer to ur q... Nived will take another ten years to come to that level of hatred, despise...etc etc.. he he

  3. despise !! poor guy that is a little hard ..

  4. I knew the answer the moment I read this :-) I guess we have had that discussion hihi
