Monday, April 26, 2010

Where am I?

It's the time of confusion again :( A time to look back and retrospect. There was a time when a girl adamently stated that she wanted to be a journalist. Then there was the time when she realized that she hates gatherings even though she love people, and that was the end of journalism dream. Then there was a girl who had nightmares about the big books that peeped into her wonderful dreams and chanted "ENTRANCE". But then there was a girl who explored the wonderful college library and had an even more wonderful roommate to discuss the hard core devotion for dostovesky. Then there was a girl in the college of her dreams, where nothing from text books went inside her head, but lot of things went inside the heart. Then there she was in a lost world of technology, where nothing but communicaton mattered, either it be between PCs or between individuals. Then there she was in a wedding arena, and quite immediately in a mommy arena. Now where to?
Sometimes its hard to love life. But since it is impossible to hate it, i will prefer to be in love with it :D

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