Monday, November 05, 2007

After a long time ....

I need to write about aomething. Just for the sake of writing. just to feel the flow of words. Its a long time... a very long time. Why do certain people need to write away their happiness or sorrows or nothingness? I do not know. But I am one among them. When u put some words to paper (in this case blog) it feels good... not really good... Relief is the right word.

This is my first article after marriage. Ideally it shouldnt be boring. It should be something with bright red colour not this grey shaded one. But I am really tired. Not out of my marriage ofcourse. But out of all these questions. Heres some sample... "So how is it going" "hows the new life"... These are harmless questions. Problem lies in the expection scale of the answer. It should be nothing less than "GREAT"... Usually my answer will be "ya ok"... or "going on"... Suddenly comes the next comment "Just married and now itself its like this, thats bad..." I never said its bad... I said its ok... But I guess people expect more out of marriage. Or rather a new marriage.

Well I dont have time to explain them all the facts... That a marriage(new one) is really good. It gives a sense of settlement. It takes u through a lot of new experiences... But there are times when u feel u miss ur bachelorhood... there are times when u realize somethings are lost forever...
A tide of changes in ur life which takes u to the summit of hapiness or sometimes pulls u down to a sense of self doubt... or a sense of relief that u r not alone...theres somebody to share everything (that 'everything' includes all rubbish :))... A time when u start appreciating ur parents (especially mom for her cooking) and miss them slightly... A time to discover new wonders... A time to laugh and cry at the same time... Also a time to realize u cannot go back to be that stupid fathers pet again ... And lot more which refuses to get into words

If this is what is meant by Great ... Yes then Marriage life is great :)

A Simple Read

Recently read a dear friends blog. Thats what inspired me to write this. There were not much I's in his blog unlike most of the other blogs including mine which is full of I's (of course not the dotted one, big I's in CAPSLOCK). He has quoted plainly what he has seen. No "I thinks", "I did", "I wish", "I have this habit"... to be short I's were very less and other alphabets in plenty. It was a good read. Simple and sweet. Informative as well.If you like to take a look please see

Friday, July 20, 2007

My Birthday!!

This is an old unpublished post. I got inspiration to publish it from here
Yesterday I completed quarter century. Never mind the saying about woman and age, I am happy to say that I did complete 25 years of struggle(? ;)) in this world :). I was really happy yesterday. But nothing special happened. As usual went to offfice, did my work, gave treat to my friends, bought sweets for my PG mates and had dinner from outside with Deepa. When we were walking back to our PG it was 10.15PM. And thats when I realised many of my childhood dreams have come true without me even realising it. There was a time when I badly wanted to go out at nights. One thing is I like nights, but more strong reason was because it was forbidden :-).Theres something misterious about night that makes it interesting. But now I can go out at anytime I want, as long as I dare to do so :)... That was a nice realization. Even though I wont dare to step out alone, after 10PM, the thought that there is nobody to stop me gave me a lot of comfort.

When we walked back I discussed my project with Deepa. I was facing an issue and wanted to find a solution. Deepa is no way related to C++, but talking to somebody helped a lot when you are trying to solve a problem :)

And then I realised how much I know about my project. This will be the first project in which I know the system from end to end. I was a real dumpo (honesty is the better word than modesty ;)) in my office. Almost all the projects I did were completed with generous help from google and code project. And most of the time I end up knowing just my module. I dont know or even care what the whole system does. But now I do know. Atleast that talk with Deepa helped me to know one thing - that i am turning out to be little bit wiser with age ;)

Hmmm. All in all not a bad birthday. A happy birthday to me :-)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Nothing ;)

Sometimes some people make us happy for some unknown reason. Crazy sentence :)... But today I was happy to come to my bay. The first thing I saw was my dollie on top of my computer monitor. Usually I keep it on my CPU. But today she was there on top of my computer monitor. It looked really cute. Somebody in helpdesk has a good taste :) Thanks to that "somebody" I was really happy today :)